Once again allow me to congratulate the Kenyan Supreme Court for making the wisest decision therefore elevating the level of democracy not only in Kenya but also in Africa and the world at large. It is no secret that Kenya has become an icon of democracy in the world where no individual or group of evil minded can use all their resources to impose dictatorship to the people not realizing that the sovereign power lies in the hands of the citizens. I applause the four judges of the Supreme Court for not consenting to the submission presented by the perceived tough senior councils Paul Muite, Ngatia and Nasir Abdulahi. Furthermore I would like to express my deepest sympathy to the renown lawyer Prpf. PLO Lumumba for the degree of embarrassment he displayed in the court chambers. How I wish Proff. Lumumba would have stuck to what he knows how to do best instead of manifesting in court and parroting , instead of counter-attacking the evidence by the petitioner he poetically bombarded the quotes stated by the lawyers. It is a big shame to see the individuals like Lumumba who are fighting against bad leadership therefore furthermore to some of the fathers of Pan- Africanism   are the same tools protecting the same bad leaders in the name of clientele business. Kenya is deeply embarrassed and ashamed to call you Proff. Lumumba the True son of it's of its soil. It will actually take you years to redeem yourself and be a democratic icon the African society. I used to look unto you as a role model and a great pillar of inspiration but I despise you  not for what you are but for what you stand for. Now i see why you have always advised us to do what you say and not what you do. You have demeaned and scattered the minds of the youth who had great hope and trust in you.Maybe Senior coucil Nasir Abdulahi, Ngatia and  Proff. Githu Muigai would love to be you amicus curia and Paul Muite apply to be an interested party being assisted by Charlse Kanjama and Kinyanjui but as fdor me I strongly petition your pretense to fight for good leadership in the Court of public opinion. I rest my case.


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